March 25, 2019, in
S4A Smart MOBILE - Webinar on demand
The Webinar is a unique opportunity to see Smart MOBILE application designed for Pilots and Cabin Crew, and available on all devices.
The Webinar begins with Smart4Aviation experts providing an overview of their industry leading suite of Flight Operations software solutions before a detailed look at each of the six EFB Apps. As you will see each App can be used as a stand-alone solution or integrated within an existing EFB platform, and is delivered with advanced and extensive web-based configuration systems and administration panels, plus delivers dedicated functionality for the Crew.
S4A Smart MOBILE Components:
- BRIEF (Pilot Briefing & Navlog)
- BRIEF CABIN (Cabin Crew Briefing)
- CREW INFO (Calendar & Roster)
- DOC (Operations Manuals)
- eFORMS (Electronic Forms)
- COMM (Communication & Alerting)
Webinar Agenda:
- Smart4Aviation Company and Products Overview - 10 min
- Introduction to Smart MOBILE – 10 min
- Smart MOBILE product demonstration – 30 min
- Q&A session – 10 min